sometimes….but not always….

sometimes when i am on a shoot everything just works – in as far as – the children are happy…..most of the time. the weather holds. the light seems to just wrap itself around and through people. everyone smiles and laughs and enjoys being together.
and then sometimes it doesn’t. and i feel the people i am photographing start to panic a little. the light changes. there are tears. lots. they don’t stop. the small things just don’t work today. yesterday was great.
and if it gets really bad. i stop and say, lets try again another day.
but sometimes its just one of those things. and i am learning more and more to trust my instincts and to know that even when it doesn’t all go to plan. the idea we both had in our heads isn’t quite working.
there will still be moments. moments that catch your breath. and sometimes you have to really look. be creative. be sensitive. be invisible. and it happens.
i couldn’t have tucked your tiny foot just so. or kissed your toes with sand. or sprinkled the sunlight behind you. it was just a moment. a beautiful moment.

Rachael Brown Photography