A Bit More Soul

last week was just really quite. well. incredible.

i have a tonne of things i need to learn about business. really i do.

but what i am most passionate about in this business. is people.

i love your stories. i love hearing your passion. what drives you. gets you out of a slump. makes you cry. and laugh.

whats makes you aim for higher than mediocre.

but what jumped out at me the most.

was the need for us to start somewhere familiar. to start where our hearts are. and lead from there.

for if you lead from your heart.

not a whole lot can actually really go wrong.

you wont be following in someone elses footsteps.

you’ll be carving out your own path.

and by doing that.

you will inspire. you will evoke emotion. connection. heart. soul.

and your very own. personalised journey.

i remember on day three. em and i were racing around. and i stopped. and everywhere there were peels of laughter from groups of you photographing each other. you were in the middle of something so incredibly special. just fully enjoying the time spent with others like you.

and i raced up to em. and said. actually whooped. this is it. this is the magic we wanted to happen.

and you guys rocked it. you made it utterly magic.

you came with open minds and hearts. and the more you put out there the more you got in return.

i am quite sure there are a few cities i could now go to in nz where if i was stuck i could borrow a camera battery. a memory card. a second shooter.

but what excites me more.

is that there are a few cities i could now go to in nz. and get a hug. a coffee. some encouragement. some honesty. some laughs. some tears.

and a bucket load of inspiration.

thank you KateFiMikeJakeOli. you waged a huge bet on us. you really did. thank you. a million times.

Andrew you know. you are more than amazing.

Emily. yup. we will do this again. we surely will. i love you a tonne.

and there are always good good people that create support networks behind you. you know who you are. andrew i love you heaps. xxxx

i wish i had taken a tonne more images. the following have all been taken on jakes 45mm tilt shift – first time ever using one for me. do i love it? oh baby yes i surely do!

final three images taken on my 85mm xx

Rachael Brown Photography