a bit more soul – arrowtown retreat

this is a deeply personal post.

its about following your heart.

its about not listening to the doubters.

its about choosing to stand out from the crowd. but being terrified about doing it all at the same time.

about two years ago. i had a wee idea. it was a tiny. tiny. idea.

i pondered it. hoped about it. talked about it with mister.

shared it with. well pretty much no-one else.

it seemed too enormous. too unachievable. so i shelved it. for about a year.

then a year ago. i thought. whats the worst that could happen.

and the worst was nothing.

and so i presented my tiny seed of an idea to the incredibleness that is fiona andersen. and she was like.

hell yeah.

so then i used that. and contacted someone else who for the last 7 years i have held in the highest regard. the beautiful kate macpherson.

and she was like.

yeah. lets.

and then it grew.

and then i knew i needed this awesome person. emily adamson. i needed a go to person. a sounding board and a like minded friend. to help me get it rolling. to have faith and confidence from the very start that this was the shizzle sticks.

and then. somehow. we got these. insanely awesome. dudes.

and then i needed a truly awesome buddy and videographer and support guy. andrew hewson from grey area productions.

and it has sold out. and we have the best. the very best. most incredibly talented group of photographers who have chosen to put some trust in what is a little nz first of its kind. who have chosen to give their time. precious time. friendship. honesty. trust. and faith. in us.

em and i are beyond excited.

for the sponsors we now have. for what will unfold over these few days together. for the future of photography and supporting each other here in new zealand.

and so. from the bottom of my heart.

thank you. thank you. thank you.

here are two images taken at a recent wedding. hugely inspired by the amazing oli sansom.

and because art is not an island. we are influenced by everything we see, feel, taste, hear and touch. and not because i want to be oli. but because he has opened my mind to looking at light and shadow in a whole new way.

and thats how art should be. it should open your mind. it should kick you in the guts with inspiration. with thought. with the desire to create.

Rachael Brown Photography